Lifeless, flavorless pickles? Brine there, done that. We’ve put together a curated pickle box with a picklepalooza of a lineup showcasing some of the finest gourmet indie picks to headline our tasting table, perfect for anyone who loves vinegar or vegetables (and who doesn’t?). Cucumbers are a given, of course, but we also include a selection of some offbeat pickled vegetables.
Makes a great gift for all pickle lovers and adventurous eaters. Or anyone who fancies themselves a big dill.
This curated box:
- Taters Gone Wild: Pickled Truffle + Curry Potatoes made by Mouth
- Sweet Chip Pickles made by Gordy’s Pickle Jar
- Mother’s Puckers Garlic Dills made by Pacific Pickle Works
- Curry Ginger Pickle Chips made by New Road Brinery
- Bronc Buster Spicy Dill Pickled Green Beans made by Yee-Haw Pickles
- Hoppy Pickles made by Kansas City Canning
- Sweet Fire Pickles made by Frankie’s
- Everything Bagel Pickles made by Backyard Brine
- Pickled Cherry Tomatoes made by Doux South